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Become a Sponsor Today!

The Mercersburg Youth Football & Cheerleading League is a local youth sports program and a registered 501c3 organization that focuses on teaching the skills of football and cheerleading. Our organization teaches our players team work, dedication, and helps to shape our athletics into community role models.

Every year, we invite local businesses to sponsor our organization. Our league is solely run on volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to help our organization run as smoothly as possible. Our funds are raised by donations and fundraising from our local community.  Sponsoring our organization is not only a great way to get involved with the community; it is also an amazing form of marketing for your business. Our organization has approximately 150 athlete on average each year. We understand that you have several choices when considering different marketing and community outreach opportunities, but we truly believe that this is a great fit.
Sponsorship donations help Mercersburg Youth Football & Cheerleading with the following:

*Sponsorships for athletes with limited means
*Maintain affordable registration fees for all athletes
*Maintain current equipment and purchasing new updated equipment
*Purchasing new uniforms
*Building and maintain our home football field facility
*Celebrate and recognize our athletes for their accomplishments.

Please review our sponsorship levels attached below. Thank you in advance for your support. Your generosity allows our organization to provide an excellent learning experience for our athletes. For more information please email [email protected]
Tiffany Stoner MYFCL President
Keith Brindle MYFCL Sponsorship

MYFCL Sponsorship Form


Mercersburg Youth Football and Cheerleading League

MYFCL, PO Box 142
Mercersburg, Pennsylvania 17236

Email: [email protected]

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